John Jacobs sunglasses. The product is the most popular brand. The product quality is awesome. More comfortable and durable. This product has comfortable silicone nose pads also. You can fix it according to your nose size. The product shape is square. The product material is stainless steel and the temple material is also stainless steel. The lens material is polycarbonate. The polycarbonate lens is unbearable. The frame colour is black and the temple colour is also black. The lens colour is gray. This product has three different colour options. The product is lightweight. The product comes in best seller John Jacobs sunglass. The product is available with power also. Like single vision and multifocal both. With power lens colour options more. The product hinges are durable and skin friendly.
Advantage of the product:-
All lenskart products have 14 days return and exchange policy. All lenskart products Free repairing. The product mode robotic technology. If you are purchasing it from the lenskart app then cash on delivery is also available. Only lenskart app. You can purchase the lenskart store, lenskart website, lenskart app. The product comes with 100% UV protection and anti glare. If you have power then lens colour options are gray, green, blue, brown, pink, yellow. All colours are different uses. Brown colour used for natural views. If you want Sun protection and also natural views then go with brown colour lenses. The green colour gives you a cooling effect. If you are working in sunlight more then you should try green colour lenses. If you are driving more at night then go with yellow colour lenses.
One of the latest updates in sunglasses:-
If you are purchasing it with power then a polarized lens is also available with power and 100% UV protection and anti glare. Polarized lens available brown colour and green colour only. The sunglass price is Rs 5000/- but if you are purchasing it with power then you have to pay lens price also it different. With polarized lenses the price is different and only the Sun protection price is different.
Polarized is a more comfortable lens.
Polarized lens more benefits like
•Eliminate glare
•Reduces eye strain
•Increase visual clarity
•Enhances contrast.
All lenskart products come with one year manufacturer warranty. 6 months lens and frame colour and coating warranty. If under 6 months lens and frame colour and coating peel off you can change it free off cost.
Disadvantage of the product:-
The product is metallic some people have metallic elergy. The product has comfortable silicone nose pads if getting hard and yellow after some time. You have to change it some time. But don't worry about it. It's free of cost just to go to the lenskart store.
About the product:-
The product model number is JJ S12473-C1.The product size is wide.The product dimensions are 58_18_145. 58 is the horizontal length of the product and 18 is the distance between two lenses and 145 is the temple length. The product PID is 134949. You can find it easily with this PID. The frame width is 143 mm. The product weight is 29 gm only. It is more lightweight also. The product height is 47 mm. The product price is Rs 5000/- the product is available with offer buy one get one free with gold membership.
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